Private Reiki Sessions

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Private Reiki Session

Nana’s Reiki is pure Art, Love and Magic

Nana is available only for distance Reiki and online for Spirit Coaching and Tarot Reading


Distance Reiki

Helping: People, Animals, Home, Land, Business, Souls who made their transition ….
Distance Reiki session: $80, package of 10 for $750.


Spirit Coaching

By Zoom: 30min: $80 – 60min: $150


Tarot Reading

By Phone or Zoom: 30min: $80 – 60min: $150

After booking your session with, send payment to secure your reservation with Check, Venmo @Nana-deleplanque (as a friend), PayPal as a friend (email address), ChaseQuickPay/Zelle (email address).

Home, Land or Business Harmonization and Energy Clearing

Price depending of space ($450+)

In person Reiki Session will be available again in September 2025

At the beginning of a Reiki session, Nana will scan your Energy Field and your Chakras to see which areas need special attention, then the complete body and Prana work will begin.
Transferring the Universal Life Force through her hands, she will increase your vital energy, restoring the quality of your health, emotion and even modes of thinking.
At the end of a private Reiki session, your mind will feel calm, as if you have been taking a vacation that will expand your inner awareness and promote transformation and growth.
  • Good Health, Creativity, Dynamism, Spirituality
These are the focus points of a Reiki session that will help you attain the balance you need for your Total Well Being.
90 min private Reiki session / 60 min Reiki session
Session are non refundable if canceled less than 24 hours in advance