• Just for today do not anger. Honor your parents, teachers and elders. Earn your living honestly. Show gratitude to everything.... Dr. Usui

  • The word Reiki means "Universal Life Force". Each Human being possesses a Breath of Primary Life which is the key to his balance and health.

  • Spring in the Air, painting by Nana Deleplanque

    Realize that the present moment is all you have.

Reiki Master Instructor NYC

Nana's Reiki is pure Art, Love and Magic.

Usui Shiki Ryoho System of Natural Healing, For the Body, Mind and Soul.

The word Reiki means “Universal Life Energy”.

Nana nanadeleplanque@gmail.com is available online only (offering: distance Reiki, Spiritual counseling and Tarot reading).
Advance Review classes available for Masters and Reiki 2, Nana's lineage.
Free Reiki distance once a month
If you need a in person Reiki session or are inquiring about Reiki 1 or 2 classes,
check the list of Masters or contact me, I trained highly professional Reiki practitioners in your area!



Nana is authentic, generous, and deeply engaged in her work. I am so glad to have studied both Reiki 1 and 2 with such a warm and creative Reiki Master. She is an artist in every sense of the word. – Read More

Reiki Workshops