Reiki One Workshop – Reiki 1 Certification

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Reiki Workshop One Course in New York City

Reiki means Universal Life Force.
This Energy is all around us, and we can transmit it.

The Reiki process is a simple method of hands-on healing as developed by Dr. Mikao Usui, a teacher of theology in Kyoto, Japan, where the energy is used to normalize mind and body functions.

By the end of the first degree Reiki workshop you will be able to:

Scan the body of the person receiving treatment and perceive areas of reduced vitality flow.
Channel Reiki energy into yourself or transmit to others, and sense the energy as it flows through your hands.
Appreciate how attitudes can create dis-ease in the mind and emotions, and how the physical body might be affected.

The two-days experiential Reiki classes:

  • Nana is not teaching Reiki1 for now.

  • To take a Reiki 1 workshop during that time, check the website with the list of Nana’s Master

At the Office: Saturday and Sunday 10 am to 5pm. Cost: $400 – (Limited space!)

Email for more Information. 

After booking your space with, send payment to secure your reservation with Check, Venmo @Nana-deleplanque (as a friend), PayPal as a friend (email address), ChaseQuickPay/Zelle (email address).

Classes, Workshops and location are subject to change, always inquire before registering.


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